Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 3 & 4th, Cutler Reservoir

Well, I guess it is time to post again.

On Turesday, I met up with John and Andy for an evening/night-fishing adventure on Cutler Reservoir. We launched at Cache Junction and headed downstream towards Cutler Dam. I have never been on the water on that part of the Reservoir/River and decided it was time to try it out.

Here are a few pics of the 3.25-mile boat ride down to the dam. Like I said, I have never been here before, but I quickly grew to love it.

We anchored up just above the dam and fished there until dark. All three of us managed to catch some fish at the first spot, but nothing really noteworthy. I did hookup on what was arguably the strongest/biggest fish I have ever felt on the end of my line. I fought it for about 20 seconds, while it was taking drag the whole time. The unfortunate thing was as soon as I set the hook, it started running, and I immediately felt the line rubbing on a rock. I tried to jump off of my boat onto the small rock island I was anchored against, but I wasn't quick enough. Sadly, the line broke. After reeling it back in, it was confirmed to me that the line was rubbing on a rock. It was all jagged and frayed at the end. But, that just means I will have to go back and try to find it again.

We moved to a few other spots and still caught fish. My best of the evening was a 20-inch channel cat.

We ended up heading back around 1:30 am. All in all, I had a good night.

July 4th

After spending most of the day hanging out with the family, I decided to head back to the same spot. This time I only stayed until about 9:30. I had to fight off some idiot wakeboarders this time. In Utah, state law requires that you travel at wakeless speeds when within 150 of any other vessel or person fishing on the shoreline. Needless to say, all of the sport boats out here do not follow that. Some idiot went right past me and almost swamped my boat. Their wake came right up over the front end of my boat. Once they saw what happened, they really turned the speed up and got out of there in a hurry. Jerks!

Once I made it down by the dam, I anchored up against the island again. Here is my spot.

I wasn't bothered anymore by the idiots on their big boats. I caught a few smaller channels. Here is a small pic of one.

I kept seeing a catfish on the shoreline making swirls. A few minutes later, it made it right over to my boat. I reached down and picked it up. It was a 25-inch male channel cat. It just kept barrel rolling over and over in the water. The first is a pic of it rolling in the water; the second, a measurement.

I didn't get too many more bites, so I picked up the anchor and trolled along the buoy line. I saw some carp, picked up the bow, and shot a couple smaller ones. Then I decided to head on back. It was a nice, enjoyable evening out. I wish I had the $$ to invest in a little bigger boat so I could bring Julia, Maddie, and Bubba.

The view back: